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  • #VenusWilliams originally insisted she wouldn't be joining #Serena as a competitor in a post to her Instagram story shortly after #SerenaWilliams reveal, but she was then spotted on the practice courts at the All England Club. She and Murray requested and were granted a late wild-card entry, and on Wednesday they were announced in the mixed doubles draw.
    #VenusWilliams originally insisted she wouldn't be joining #Serena as a competitor in a post to her Instagram story shortly after #SerenaWilliams reveal, but she was then spotted on the practice courts at the All England Club. She and Murray requested and were granted a late wild-card entry, and on Wednesday they were announced in the mixed doubles draw.
    Venus wins in mixed doubles after surprise entry
    Venus Williams arrived at Wimbledon last week with no intentions of competing, but after being "inspired" by sister Serena, she partnered with Jamie Murray in mixed doubles and the pair won their first-round match 6-3, 6-7 (3), 6-2 on Friday.
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  • Brian Windhorst’s storytelling masterclass on ESPN’s “First Take” Friday morning put a spotlight not only on Donovan Mitchell’s potential trade availability in Utah, but also the Nets’ involvement in any potential deal. But it’s #BenSimmons — the darling of the deal with the #Philadelphia 76ers for James Harden — whose contract must be moved if the Nets were to be longshot suitors for Mitchell’s services.

    Windhorst, who covers the #NBA for the self-proclaimed “Worldwide Leader in Sports,” began piecing the breadcrumbs together.
    Brian Windhorst’s storytelling masterclass on ESPN’s “First Take” Friday morning put a spotlight not only on Donovan Mitchell’s potential trade availability in Utah, but also the Nets’ involvement in any potential deal. But it’s #BenSimmons — the darling of the deal with the #Philadelphia 76ers for James Harden — whose contract must be moved if the Nets were to be longshot suitors for Mitchell’s services. Windhorst, who covers the #NBA for the self-proclaimed “Worldwide Leader in Sports,” began piecing the breadcrumbs together.
    Ben Simmons’ contract complicates any potential Nets pursuit of Donovan Mitchell
    Can the Nets somehow land Donovan Mitchell for all their troubles?
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  • #HeidiKlum recently revealed her surprising skill for always looking picture-perfect on red carpets and at shoots: She can allegedly stop her own face from perspiring.

    During her Thursday appearance on “The Late Show With Stephen Colbert,” the 49-year-old supermodel explained how makeup artists on set are often tasked with keeping talent shine-free.

    “They come all the time and they will put that powder puff in your face 24/7,” she said. “So I’m like: Don’t sweat in the #face. I just tell myself not to sweat in the face!”
    #HeidiKlum recently revealed her surprising skill for always looking picture-perfect on red carpets and at shoots: She can allegedly stop her own face from perspiring. During her Thursday appearance on “The Late Show With Stephen Colbert,” the 49-year-old supermodel explained how makeup artists on set are often tasked with keeping talent shine-free. “They come all the time and they will put that powder puff in your face 24/7,” she said. “So I’m like: Don’t sweat in the #face. I just tell myself not to sweat in the face!”
    Heidi Klum claims she can stop herself from sweating: ‘That’s my talent’
    “They come all the time and they will put that powder puff in your face 24/7,” she said. “I just tell myself not to sweat in the face!”
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  • Настінний обігрівач “Кошенята” Nieuw
    In stock
    Довгохвильовий #інфрачервоний #обігрівач

    Гарантійний термін експлуатації 12 місяців з дня продажу.

    Дає м’яке тепло не висушуючи повітря і не спалюючи кисень (температура поверхні не більше 65 ℃)

    Споживає в 3-4 рази менше енергії, ніж звичайні обігрівачі (споживання – 0.4 кВт або 400 Вт)

    Займає мало місця і легко згортається
    Компактний і легко транспортується (важить менше 1 кг)

    Не завдає шкоди людині, не залишає опіки
    Безпечний: клас захисту II
    Може використовуватися в сирих приміщеннях
    Естетичний: ваші гості навіть не зрозуміють, що приємна картина на стіні – це обігрівач

    Поставляється в практичній багаторазовій упаковці

    Розрахований на невелике приміщення 10-12м2 в якості додаткового обігріву (в такому приміщенні піднімає температуру на 6-8 градусів за кілька годин)

    Настінний #обігрівач може використовуватися в будь-яких приміщеннях, а саме:
    №ванна кімната
    У гаражі та ін. місцях

    Технічні характеристики:
    – Потужність: 400Вт
    – Розміри: 98х57 см (в згорнутому вигляді – 57х9х9 см)
    – Температура на поверхні, макс.65 ° С
    – Маса: 0,8 кг

    Характеристика Од.вимірювання
    Площа нагрівального елементу 0,6м²
    Робоча напруга електромережі 220В
    Споживана потужність 400Вт
    Номінальний споживаний струм 1,8А
    Температура на поверхні, не більше 65°С
    Маса обігрівача, без упаковки прибл. 0,8 кг
    Час нагріву до робочої температури 1 хв
    Режим роботи тривалий
    Клас захисту оболонки по ГОСТ 15150-69 Ip20
    Клас захисту від уражень електричним струмом по ДСТУ 3135.0-95 II
    Спосіб установки настінний
    Довгохвильовий #інфрачервоний #обігрівач Гарантійний термін експлуатації 12 місяців з дня продажу. Дає м’яке тепло не висушуючи повітря і не спалюючи кисень (температура поверхні не більше 65 ℃) Споживає в 3-4 рази менше енергії, ніж звичайні обігрівачі (споживання – 0.4 кВт або 400 Вт) Займає мало місця і легко згортається Компактний і легко транспортується (важить менше 1 кг) Не завдає шкоди людині, не залишає опіки Безпечний: клас захисту II Може використовуватися в сирих приміщеннях Естетичний: ваші гості навіть не зрозуміють, що приємна картина на стіні – це обігрівач Поставляється в практичній багаторазовій упаковці Розрахований на невелике приміщення 10-12м2 в якості додаткового обігріву (в такому приміщенні піднімає температуру на 6-8 градусів за кілька годин) Настінний #обігрівач може використовуватися в будь-яких приміщеннях, а саме: #дача #квартира #офіс балкон №ванна кімната кіоск У гаражі та ін. місцях Технічні характеристики: – Потужність: 400Вт – Розміри: 98х57 см (в згорнутому вигляді – 57х9х9 см) – Температура на поверхні, макс.65 ° С – Маса: 0,8 кг Характеристика Од.вимірювання Площа нагрівального елементу 0,6м² Робоча напруга електромережі 220В Споживана потужність 400Вт Номінальний споживаний струм 1,8А Температура на поверхні, не більше 65°С Маса обігрівача, без упаковки прибл. 0,8 кг Час нагріву до робочої температури 1 хв Режим роботи тривалий Клас захисту оболонки по ГОСТ 15150-69 Ip20 Клас захисту від уражень електричним струмом по ДСТУ 3135.0-95 II Спосіб установки настінний
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen
  • Wall-hung heater ”Kittens” Nieuw
    In stock
    Advantages of #infrared #wall #heater ”Kittens”:

    Warms with soft heat without drying the air or burning oxygen (surface temperature not more than 70 ℃)

    Consumes 3-4 times less energy than conventional heaters (consumption – 0.4 kW or 400 W)

    Takes up little space and folds up easily

    Compact and easy to transport (weighs less than 1 kg)
    Does not harm humans, does not burn

    It is safe: protection class II
    Can be used in humid areas

    Aesthetic: your guests won’t even understand that a nice picture on the wall is a heater

    Supplied in practical reusable package

    Designed for a small room of 10-12m2 as an additional heating (in such a room it raises up the temperature by +6+8°C in a few hours)

    The wall heater can be used in any premises:

    Country house
    Garage and other places

    – Power: 430W
    – Dimensions: 98×57 cm (when fold – 57x9x9 cm)
    – Surface temperature, max. 70 °С
    – Weight: 0.8 kg


    Voltage: 220/230 V (110V and 127V can be produced upon special order)
    Heating element: carbon fiber (thread)
    Outer covering: specialized PET film
    Electrical safety class: II
    Plug-in type: typical European (for other voltages different plugs can be used)
    Power: 400 W (220 V) and 430 W (230 V)
    Dimensions when unfolded – 98×57 cm (3 1/2×2 ft), when fold – 57x9x9 cm (2×1/3×1/3 ft. )
    Temperature of the surface: up to 70 °C (up to 160 °F)
    Weight netto – appr. 0.8 kg (appr. 1.5 lbs)
    Life – time of the heating element – 50.000 hours
    Warranty – 1 year
    Advantages of #infrared #wall #heater ”Kittens”: Warms with soft heat without drying the air or burning oxygen (surface temperature not more than 70 ℃) Consumes 3-4 times less energy than conventional heaters (consumption – 0.4 kW or 400 W) Takes up little space and folds up easily Compact and easy to transport (weighs less than 1 kg) Does not harm humans, does not burn It is safe: protection class II Can be used in humid areas Aesthetic: your guests won’t even understand that a nice picture on the wall is a heater Supplied in practical reusable package Designed for a small room of 10-12m2 as an additional heating (in such a room it raises up the temperature by +6+8°C in a few hours) The wall heater can be used in any premises: Country house #Apartment #Office Balcony #Bathroom Garage and other places Specifications: – Power: 430W – Dimensions: 98×57 cm (when fold – 57x9x9 cm) – Surface temperature, max. 70 °С – Weight: 0.8 kg TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Voltage: 220/230 V (110V and 127V can be produced upon special order) Heating element: carbon fiber (thread) Outer covering: specialized PET film Electrical safety class: II Plug-in type: typical European (for other voltages different plugs can be used) Power: 400 W (220 V) and 430 W (230 V) Dimensions when unfolded – 98×57 cm (3 1/2×2 ft), when fold – 57x9x9 cm (2×1/3×1/3 ft. ) Temperature of the surface: up to 70 °C (up to 160 °F) Weight netto – appr. 0.8 kg (appr. 1.5 lbs) Life – time of the heating element – 50.000 hours Warranty – 1 year
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  • #SerenaWilliams has opened up about the regret she still feels about turning down the look late designer #VirgilAbloh initially suggested she wear for the 2019 #FrenchOpen.

    Williams, who frequently worked with the Off-White founder before his death in 2021, shared her regret over her decision not to wear the outfit
    #SerenaWilliams has opened up about the regret she still feels about turning down the look late designer #VirgilAbloh initially suggested she wear for the 2019 #FrenchOpen. Williams, who frequently worked with the Off-White founder before his death in 2021, shared her regret over her decision not to wear the outfit
    Serena Williams regrets turning down Virgil Abloh’s French Open outfit suggestion
    Tennis pro instead wore custom black-and-white Nike crop top and matching skirt created by designer
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  • Newly-appointed United manager Erik ten #Hag wants to reunite with #Martinez — the pair worked together in #Amsterdam — and the opportunity is understood to appeal to the left-sided centre-back.

    Arsenal also hold a strong interest in Martinez and made a new €40 million bid last week, as reported by The Athletic. Their pursuit continues and personal terms would not be a problem for the north London side. The issue now is which club can agree a fee with #Ajax and then who Martinez opts to join.
    Newly-appointed United manager Erik ten #Hag wants to reunite with #Martinez — the pair worked together in #Amsterdam — and the opportunity is understood to appeal to the left-sided centre-back. Arsenal also hold a strong interest in Martinez and made a new €40 million bid last week, as reported by The Athletic. Their pursuit continues and personal terms would not be a problem for the north London side. The issue now is which club can agree a fee with #Ajax and then who Martinez opts to join.
    Manchester United in advanced negotiations for Ajax's Lisandro Martinez
    Manchester United are in advanced negotiations with Ajax over Lisandro Martinez amid a belief the defender would be keen on moving to Old...
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  • #England kick off their summer tour against #Australia in #Perth today.

    Courtney Lawes captains the side with Owen Farrell overlooked for the first time since 2018, with head coach Eddie Jones impressed with how the Northampton flanker deputised in the autumn and Six Nations. Farrell has made a full recovery from the ankle injuries and starts at 12 between between fly-half Marcus Smith and outside centre Joe Marchant.

    Joe Cokanasiga is named on the left wing for his first Test for a year while Danny Care completes his stunning international comeback by starting at scrum-half with the uncapped Jack van Poortvliet - rather than Harry Randall - on the bench as cover.
    #England kick off their summer tour against #Australia in #Perth today. Courtney Lawes captains the side with Owen Farrell overlooked for the first time since 2018, with head coach Eddie Jones impressed with how the Northampton flanker deputised in the autumn and Six Nations. Farrell has made a full recovery from the ankle injuries and starts at 12 between between fly-half Marcus Smith and outside centre Joe Marchant. Joe Cokanasiga is named on the left wing for his first Test for a year while Danny Care completes his stunning international comeback by starting at scrum-half with the uncapped Jack van Poortvliet - rather than Harry Randall - on the bench as cover.
    Australia vs England LIVE: Latest updates from Perth
    Follow all the action from the first Test of England’s summer tour
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  • #England begin their preparations on Monday July 4 where they will meet for the first of three mini-training camps throughout July, all taking place at the University of Bath.

    They will then continue to fine-tune their preparations for the World Cup in #NewZealand with more camps throughout August in the build-up to their two September internationals vs #USA (Saturday September 3, Sandy Park) and #Wales (Tuesday September 14, Ashton Gate).
    #England begin their preparations on Monday July 4 where they will meet for the first of three mini-training camps throughout July, all taking place at the University of Bath. They will then continue to fine-tune their preparations for the World Cup in #NewZealand with more camps throughout August in the build-up to their two September internationals vs #USA (Saturday September 3, Sandy Park) and #Wales (Tuesday September 14, Ashton Gate).
    Red Roses name 37-player pre-season squad: Abby Dow included in Simon Middleton's England Women training camp
    Red Roses head coach Simon Middleton has announced a 37-player squad for pre-season training ahead of a 2022/23 season which will include the 2022 World Cup in the autumn.
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  • Tourist dies after losing arm and leg in horrific shark attack at popular resort
    A tourist has died after 'losing arm and leg in horrific #shark attack at popular Egyptian resort.

    The #Austrian woman, 68, later died in an ambulance from “shock” after the Red Sea horror.

    Chilling video footage shows her desperately swimming back to shore after “losing an arm and leg” in the attack.

    Videos were filmed by watching Russian tourists who bemoaned the lack of life guards or rescuers.
    Tourist dies after losing arm and leg in horrific shark attack at popular resort A tourist has died after 'losing arm and leg in horrific #shark attack at popular Egyptian resort. The #Austrian woman, 68, later died in an ambulance from “shock” after the Red Sea horror. Chilling video footage shows her desperately swimming back to shore after “losing an arm and leg” in the attack. Videos were filmed by watching Russian tourists who bemoaned the lack of life guards or rescuers.
    Woman dies after losing arm and leg in shark attack in front of horrified crowd
    The woman, 68, later died in an ambulance from “shock” after the Red Sea horror. Video footage shows her desperately swimming back to shore after “losing an arm and leg”
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Compbest UA