In the other hand, if it forces both sides to actually work towards a deal it could be a Mut 24 coins positive in the end.

San Francisco 49ers defensive lineman Ray McDonald was arrested at 2:48 a.m. on Sunday for violent domestic assault, according to a report from Damian Trujillo of NBC Bay Area. San Jose police have confirmed the arrest to Trujillo. McDonald is the very first person to try out Madden NFL 24's brand new policy on domestic violence. This could mean the 49ers lineman faces at the very least a six-game suspension.

"McDonald was taken into custody with out incident and placed in Santa Clara County Jail on felony domestic violence charges," the San Jose police department informed Matt Maiocco of CSN Bay Area.

Madden NFL 24 commissioner Roger Goodell recently admitted the error of the decision to give Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice just two games' suspension for an incident of domestic violence that involved Rice's wife. This led for the Madden NFL 24 to change its policy on domestic violence. The players now face a six-game ban for their first domestic violence assault, after which they will face a lifetime ban for second.

According to Trujillo the victim of the incident may be pregnant this could lead to McDonald's suspension potentially being much more severe than merely six games. In Goodell's announcement on domestic violence earlier in the week:

One of the situations that could need to be dealt with more severely could be a previous offense before getting into this league Madden NFL 24. or violence that involves a weapon, beatings that are repeated, chokes or when the offense occurs against a woman who is pregnant or with the help of the child. Any subsequent offense could cause the exclusion of the Madden NFL 24 in addition to one may request reinstatement after one yearbut there will be no presumption or guarantee that the petition can be approved. The disciplinary rules will be applicable to every Madden NFL 24 personnel.

McDonald has one DUI arrest in the background, but hasn't experienced any other off-fieldbuy madden 24 coins  issues. This isn't a problem with the new rules on domestic violence However, it is a concern.