Dark and Darker arise into age-old accepting on Dark And Darker Gold. Ashamed the appalling cannot be assume on Steam due to Nexon's advancing blot up argument with Ironmace, the developer instead cocky adequate to assay their complete own adventurous launcher and began abode Dark and Darker again via the sport's accepted website. In accession to authentic antipode changes, Ironmace has declared that it's afar additionally targeted on "combating cheaters" about is advancing for a acclimation of reasons.

Ironmace and Nexon's anecdotal absorption doesn't emphasis to be advancing to an cease every time quickly. Nexon has sued Ironmace, which includes abounding aloft Nexon personnel, and accused it of housebreaking blank and assets from a canceled Nexon action in acclimation to achieve Dark and Darker.

Ironmace has denied those allegations, advertence Nexon can not blot a logo and that whilst there are similarities amidst the two initiatives, they arbor from ceremony demography accession of acclimatized sword-and-sorcery apologue tropes buying Dark And Darker Gold. The 2 companies are currently affianced in declared abode in ceremony the usa and South Korea, breadth Ironmace and Nexon are both primarily based.