It can also be very frustrating at times since anyone WoTLK Gold who plays arena likely to lose games as the difficulty is so high. This means that if you do not like your class or race or particularizations, you will be a failure.

In addition, if you're likely to be reroll in your class or composition to play something that's in the quote unquote madrassa because it's nice to win games, it'll be a bit normal because you're playing the comp and you're supposed to be winning. But if you lose, it'll feel awful as you're supposed winning since you've picked the top class and race Tambo and the like.

On the other hand, suppose you play an arrangement that's OK, but you really enjoy the class and your style of play. If you win, it's going to feel great even buy WoTLK Gold if you lose, it's going to be a bit painful, you will try to theorize on how you can win next time because you want to continue playing your class.