Hey guys, today I'm rapid in giving you my top five WoTLK Gold last minute prep tips specifically for the wrath Lich King to launch. And by the way we're having an MMO mouse giveaway in this video, you all voted for The V Razer Naga Trinity which is the mouse we'll give away.

All you have to do to participate in the giveaway is first sign up to the channel. You can then leave a comment in the comment section. Write us a random message like your favorite dad joke or the boss you love from ruffle Lich King and Vago and you can enter the contest but anyway let's jump in.

The first step is to save a significant amount of dollars when it comes to the leveling of consumed. That's why the Brewfest event is a promotion for milk that mom and Olga want and a full buffer gives you 20 strength or 20 stamina is equivalent to the amount you're using for rage right today. Six silver for each. There's no reason to buy anything at auction house Auction House apart from if you're a caster since there isn't a caster's item to buy WOW WoTLK Classic Gold use for an Abreu Fest event.