Blizzard recently hosted another Campfire Chat for Diablo 4 to discuss the upcoming Update 1.1.1, expected to drop on August 8 with patch notes made available on August 2. During the Campfire Chat, it was confirmed that the next Diablo 4 update will return the channel time for the Leave Dungeon ability from five seconds back to three. It was explained that the change was made because the developers didn't want players abusing the ability to escape from Diablo 4 Gold boss fights or difficult enemy encounters.

This isn't the first time that Blizzard has made a change to Diablo 4 and then had to backpedal on it. For example, Diablo 4 added level requirements for World Tiers 3 and 4, which also upset members of the community. It didn't take long after implementing the change for Blizzard to confirm that it would be removing level requirements from the World Tiers.

While there will likely be many Diablo 4 fans who are happy to see Blizzard listen to feedback and adjust the game accordingly, there are many vocal fans who are upset that these changes happened to begin with. This may shake confidence that fans have in Blizzard and its long-term support of Diablo 4. However, Blizzard has shown a genuine desire to improve the Diablo 4 experience in future updates and future seasons. In fact, Blizzard is hiring a season lead designer, which could go a long way in improving the seasonal experience for fans of the action-RPG.

Players have complained about the inconvenience of dismounting frequently in Diablo. Blizzard is addressing this by allowing mounts to charge through barricades, a change praised by the community. While Diablo 4 lacks certain quality-of-life features, Blizzard's response to player feedback is encouraging.

Players have complained about the Diablo 4 Items for sale tedium of needing to frequently dismount their horse in Diablo 4, and it seems that Blizzard has heard their complaints loud and clear with an announcement that will hopefully make traversing the wastelands of Sanctuary much easier. Though mounts in Diablo 4 were a no-brainer with the franchise's pivot into a vast open world, the implementation left a lot to be desired. A significant amount of Diablo 4 fans felt that certain design choices made mounts a chore to use, even if their underlying potential was good.